Martes, Hulyo 12, 2011


   Wash day. Uniform free day. Yeheey!
I kinda like wednesday because I hate wearing that long skirt uniform. But well as usual I'm here browsing the internet again. Same thing happens- nothing is new in facebook, twitter, youtube, and all that internet stuffs. But still I can't help myself not to open my account. Hey! What's wrong with me? Why am I so attached to those social networking sites? Mainly because "staying in dorm" is so boring and so hot. There's no good, productive thing to do. It's like when I'm staying there waiting for my next class, I can lose half of my energy because my room is so oven like. I feel that my brain is drying. In fact, I am likely to perspire so much. In that case how can I study well? Little chance of studying at noontime. I guess if you're in my situation, you'll feel the same way too.

Lunes, Hulyo 11, 2011

Poem: Ebony Eyes

His ebony eyes cast a spell on me

It made me startle and swoon in symmetry
His stares is sternly contagious
I feel my whole body is in subconscious

His eyes got vigor that can suffocate
It radiates a beam that creates a trance
I stammer, quiver, feeble and taunt
His ebony eyes is so peril I thought

But there's something peculiar over it
Although it's mystic I saw a veracity
That his deep, dark, ebony eyes
Collides with my unfurnished heart.


Just Scribbling with my pen (The reality)

      It started with my status - irregular. Then many things follows: new faces, new classmates, new teachers, new subjects, of course a new course but no new friends! Gosh. I knew this will come: my social life is at sake! But then I just can't imagine that I'm risking myself just for one reason - MY DREAM. Well, this is just the beginning there more difficulties to come - subjects will be ten times harder, classmates are OP type to the max, teachers are as hard as a diamond (diamonds are the hardest thing I guess) and many unexpected, embarassing things to come. But by the way I hope all these sacrifices and risks that I'm taking will not come up to nothing. I know it's kinda jungle way up there. Can I still be alive in the end? I hope I will and I'll do whatever it takes to make it. :)